A psychopath and a con
man walk into a bar - what happens next is no joke.
nine years on the road, Chas Fenn knows how to avoid accidental death.
It's the intentional kind that gives him trouble. The intentional kind
is the seductive Brittany Reis who plans to carve a niche in the street
drug trade with a new hallucinogen. But, when her lab technician
suddenly dies, Reis is forced to partner with an aging con man who sees
the opportunity as a last chance for a big payoff.
There is
dishonour amongst thieves, and the formula is misdirected to Fenn,
who's life suddenly takes a dangerous detour. The fallout gives
Detective Inspector Evan Lareault two homicides, a fatal overdose, and
a fraudulent funeral home to deal with. Cases that appear unrelated
until Fenn discovers a family connection to the formula, and goes
on a tear looking for answers.
The Kindle Book Review called it 'edgy and tense'.
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