It is not the ghost that haunts, but the legacy that's left behind.
To me
he'll always be Jeremy 'the bastard' Asquith. From the time we met as
roomies at Cambridge, the chap was a cad. He had the looks, the
attitude, and the money - at least until he blew his monthly allowance
on dice and cards and had to cadge a loan off me for pipe tobacco. If
he calls you Old Bean, while shaking your hand, best count your fingers.
Great War put an end to our college days, and we next met in the
trenches: me as a journo with a camera, he as a corporal with his
ever-present pipe and a dark side that even The Somme couldn't mask.
Our reunion was short-lived - I left the field hospital in time to
stand at Asquith's grave while an army padre delivered a hasty service.
I returned to blighty with a small bag of personal effects for his
family. A simple task, but I was soon to learn that bad things also come in small packages.
then, I've run across Bolsheviks, treasure, and spies, as well as murder,
revenge, and lies. I could be onto the scoop of my life. That is, if Asquith's
legacy doesn't kill me first.
Daniel Turcotte - December 30, 1918
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edge-of-your-seat plot twists and a Hollywood ending, this novel really
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Here are the ISBN's: Ebook: 978-1-7772673-7-7 . . Paperback: 978-1-7772673-6-0 |