The Official Website of Canadian Author

EVERY FEW MONTHS  I put out a newsletter to keep readers apprised of new book releases or how my latest work-in-progress is coming along. If I've come across anything else that I feel might be of interest, then I'll include that as well.

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The latest newsletter (November 2024) is below


November 2024 newsletter

It's time to stock up!

Stock up on nuts, books, cheetos, whatever gets you through the next few months of shorter days and longer nights. But, hey, Christmas is coming and whether you believe in Santa or not it’s always a good excuse to treat yourself or someone else to a good novel or two.

As for me, it’s time to get out there and hit the Christmas bazaars, and I’ve got six lined up in the next few weeks:

November 9th (this past weekend) - I shared a table with author Gillian Andrews at the local Lions Club vendor fair.

November 16th – I’ll be at the Ridgetown Active Lifestyle Centre with Gillian and two other local authors: Dawn Teetzel and Kelly Young.

November 23rd - This is a book signing at the Art and Heirloome Shoppe on King Street in Chatham. Owner Chris Ford, an author in her own right (poetry), has a rack of local authors' books in the Shoppe and one row is dedicated to my novels.


November 24th – I’ll be in nearby Tecumseh for the Southwestern Local Authors’ Book Show

December 7thThe Mary Webb Centre for the Arts is hosting an Authors’ Afternoon

December 12th – I’ll be signing books at The Studio Art Gallery as part of the Merry and Bright Nights in Dresden.


Please click on the names for more information about the authors or places that are underlined.

Of the authors mentioned, I haven’t yet profiled new friend and talented writer, Dawn Beecroft Teetzel. Having written for newspapers, magazines, and anthologies, Dawn recently released her debut novel: a moving story called My Mary. Inspired by her husband’s grandmother, a Barnardo child who was taken from her English foster home to work for a wealthy farm family in Canada, My Mary is an epic tale that shines a light on seventy years of one woman’s life.


And now (drum roll, please 🥁) here’s the one event I’ve been waiting to tell you about. On October 22nd, I was invited to be a guest on Scribes & Songsters. This video blog hosted by Veronique Mandal is a series that promotes Southwestern Ontario authors, songwriters, and others in the media and publishing industry.




My episode will be broadcast on the local Windsor TV channel, YourTV, from Nov 11th to the 25th, and on YouTube indefinitely.
Well, that's all my news for now. Christmas is coming, I've got books to sell and you've got books to buy. Oh, so here's a link to mine, just in case, you know, presents.



As always, thanks for reading my newsletters. Your support is much appreciated.

Ciao for now!

